Champion trees of Belgium
BELTREES DATABASE (last updated 11 February 2025)
Between 1984 and 1991 several members of the Belgian Dendrology Society contributed to a large database of 15.000 remarkable trees measured throughout Belgium. In 1992, Jean-Claude Baudouin Philippe de Spoelberch, Jef Van Meulder and photographer Roel Jacobs, published the book “Arbres de Belgique” or “Bomen in België”. This book described about 1.000 species and varieties found in our country and presented in appendix a list of 4.500 champion trees.
The database now belongs to the Belgian Dendrology Society, which has mandated the Foundation Arboretum Wespelaar to organize its follow up, update and to publish the data on a continuous basis. It contains more than 30.000 records, of which some measures have been taken repeatedly over the last thirty years. This inventory enables us to provide for the conservation and survival of these remarkable trees of Belgium.
The BELTREES inventory can also be consulted as a PDF file (last updated 11 February 2025):
BELTREES inventory (sorted by park)
BELTREES inventory (sorted by name and circumference)
This database is owned by the ASBL/VZW Belgische Dendrologie Belge (respecting the rights of the individual measurers and other suppliers). It is managed by the Foundation Arboretum Wespelaar. Usage of this data without mention of the source or for commercial goals is not authorized.
The Belgian dendrology society wants to unite amateurs and professionals interested in trees and shrubs. Her aim is to enlarge the knowledge and cultivation of these trees and shrubs for a larger audience. Moreover, it is the society's ambition to actively contribute to the conservation of these plants, both in its natural environments as in parks and botanical collections.